3 Types of Education Services
Our Education Services provide 3 types of services as follows:
- Education / training for the customer's new employees on their IT products or services
- Education / training for IT professionals of the customer's sales or SI partners on their IT products or services
- Education / training for IT or business professionals of the customer's end-user companies on their IT products or services
Before course planning, we have a couple of consulting sessions to hear the customer's current education / training programs.
Based on the consulting sessions, we select the best trainer to meet the customer's education / training requirements.
Then, we develop or customize the education / training course(s) to align with other education / training courses (technical course, business course and others).
(Sample Product / Service Training Courses)
- Basic Course (Product / service introduction and other basics)
- Installation Course (How to install, implement or deploy)
- Operation Course (How to run)
- Management Course (How to manage)
- Maintenance Course (How to maintain)
- Upgrade Course (How to upgrade)
- Migration Course (How to migrate)
(Course Material Development)
- Training material preparation
- Training material translation
- Training material validation under the Japanese language environment
We deliver up-to-date education / training courses while maintaining training materials and training (software and hardware) environment.